Police officers in New Haven, Conn. put some ingenuity and talent to use to flush out two men who had barricaded themselves inside a partially-empty house. The joke is on the suspects as they were fooled into abandoning their hiding place.
Two men had managed to out-drive police during a car chase and sought refuge on the second floor of a mostly-empty house. The Yale Daily News reports that the officers then “channeled their inner Monty Python characters by using the first and most absurd tactic that occurred to them: threatening to send in a police dog despite lacking exactly that.”
To add credibility to the ruse, one officer put his sound effect talent to use by imitating a barking dog. No Scooby Doo. No yappy chihuahua. Just the sound of one vicious-sounding, growling, snarling, barking dog.
It worked! The two men surrendered to police in order to avoid what they feared was an actual dog at the other end of that barking.